Saturday, November 19, 2005

The Mysterious BeakFish

Quite amphibious the Mysterious BeakFish wanders through land and sea, searching for crunchy delights and playful headbutts. A dense little guy, all crocheted out of wensleydale, merrino and faulkand wool yarns.


Like something I would only imagine floating by in Wonderland or Oz, the Flutterby is and exercize in crafting evolution. Starting as a butterfly, then moving to a hummingbird and then surpassing both it has sucker shaped feet, nose and top-knot, both knit and crocheted from a variety of yarns(including pure silk in the center of the wings) it is topped off with piercing ladybug eyes!

j is for jelly

This plump pink cutie spends her time carelessly bouncing through the ocean seeing the wonders of what lies beneath. Always modest in a short skirt she is crocheted out of wensleydale and faulkland wool that was dyed with Madder root and Cochineal.

A Watery Waif

A whimsical sea creature, I picture her floating along the ocean currants singing a wordless sirens song. Both knit and crocheted from a vairety of yarns and with button eyes.